Wednesday, August 10, 2011

you cud have said it all....

Rainy day and rain drops falling around....
a chilly wind blew fast: trembling my hair....
rain drops when stroked my face & down it dropped....
pit-pat the street was hit still silence gasped me..

he passed by holding her hands...
no doubt love was in the air..
my heart pounding hard & a shedding teardrop...
though smile was still all my way...

walked in the street; strangers passing by...
unusual loneliness grabbed me....
flashing memories & tickling heart...
yes it was all that i carried...

drizzling rain and silent wind...
walking down the lane you and me...
warmth of your hands when i had in mine...
and the depth of love we could feel...

the steps we took down the street...
talking allot and laughing loud...
looking in my eyes when you sang softly...
a lovely feeling i certainly had...

probably you still have the same smile...
and sing those silent songs more softly...
you still joke and talk allot....
though its only with me in memories....

thought we were together forever...
happy and so in love...
but stupid you proved me dear...
tearing me apart and breaking me down...
you lastly abandoned me...

waved you goodbye for happy you were...
in choosing different path than mine...
it wasn't hard at all dear.. definitely not...
you could have said you never loved me....

1 comment:

  1. nice .....i really liked the explicitly expressed feelings
